Email the Editor Email the Editor
700 copies - read by over 1200 local people - 10 times a year
Editorial submissions are welcomed and should be forwarded before the cut off date to: or uploaded to us, click here to go to the upload page. We prefer to receive editorial material in plain text, Word(.doc) or PDF format, with pictures in JPG or PNG format. Unless otherwise stated, the views expressed in News and Views are those of the contributors and not of the Editor and Committee.
The Editor reserves the right to omit, cut or amend any contribution offered for publication. Cut off dates are published in the current issue and are around the 18th of the month prior to issue. For further information please contact the editor.


Email the Editor Email the Editor


Editorial submissions are welcomed and should be forwarded before the cut off date to: We prefer to receive editorial material in plain text, Word(.doc) or PDF format, with pictures in JPG or PNG format. Unless otherwise stated, the views expressed in News and Views are those of the contributors and not of the Editor and Committee. The Editor reserves the right to omit, cut or amend any contribution offered for publication.
News and Views
N & V
700 copies - read by over 1200 local people - 10 times a year
N & V
Cut off dates are published in the current issue and are around the 18th of the month prior to issue. For further information please contact the editor.
News and Views